What is nimaz?

Among the 5 pillars of islam, namaz is the second. After kalimah, what a muslim must do it namaz. Muslims must offer 5 times namaz in a day. Namaz is not only compulsory prayer but also offers a great deal of reward for us. ALLAH swt has repeatedly ordered us in Quran to offer namaz. The real purpose of offering namaz is to surrender ourselves to ALLAH swt and to feel ourselves close to ALLAH at the main times of the day.

So namaz is also a way to remove sins. What could be the best if not five chances a day to avoid sins and to remove them from our profile?

Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.w also appreciated namaz in very beautiful words in the hadith quoted below;
Muslim Book 001, Number 0147:

It is narrated on the authority of Abu Zubair that he heard Jabir b. 'Abdullah saying. I heard the Messenger of Allah (may peace and blessings be upon him) observing this: Between man and polytheism and unbelief is the abandonment of salat.

There are many scientific benefits of namaz as well. Namaz is a complete exercise of body and soul. How it affects soul? When we offer namaz with complete attention, our body as well as our soul is connected to ALLAH swt. In this way al our tensions and worries go away from us. This is world’s best relaxing exercise. The physical benefits include all the muscles of the body work when we offer namaz.

From standing to prostrating each and every cell of the body moves in the way it should move in order to remain healthy. Therefore, namaz is not only a worship act, but also an act to make us sin free every day and make us physically fit and healthy. All we need to do is to offer namaz with attention and with love.

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